If you are looking into accounting software, you need to make sure you’re asking the right questions. The last thing you want to do is make a huge ERP software purchase and get ripped off! Luckily, we know the industry and can tell you what you should be asking and how you should be researching.
Let’s start with some pre-research tips:
Identify any requirements there might be for your municipality regarding reporting, budgeting, financial management, regulatory compliance, etc. This will help narrow down the type of ERP software you need.
Develop a budget for ERP software. How much can you spend on it and what is your desired price point?
Ask your peers what software they use. This will give you a great start on what companies to research.
Create a checklist of the features your future ERP software must have. This helps you stay focused and remember your objectives; you don’t want to get distracted and lose sight of the problems you’re trying to solve.
Talk with ERP software vendors at trade shows or conferences. This allows you to get necessary questions answered.
Now that you’re prepared, here are things to look for while researching:
Features & Functionalities – Look at what features the software has and if it aligns with your objectives. Also, does the software integrate with other systems/platforms?
Case Studies & Testimonials – This is a close second to talking with your peers. Find a local government that has the same challenges as you and see how their problems were solved.
Support & Training – Consider their onboarding process and the level of support they offer. This is crucial. A company may have the best software in the world, but if they can’t train you to use it and are not there to answer questions after purchase, what’s the point?
Reviews – Look at various reviews for the software to find out more information. This is where you hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Reviews can help you discover more details about the software and the reputation of its customer service.
All right. You’ve done your research. Now it’s time to talk to some software company representatives.
You want to stay focused and meet your objectives, so consider the following questions to ask:
What features does the software have? (This will confirm your research findings and potentially clarify some unanswered questions.)
Does the ERP software offer customizable reporting options that can be tailored to your specific needs?
Does it integrate with other systems you use, such as tax collection, payroll, and billing systems? Do they offer any transparency options with their software?
What is the total cost, including initial implementation, ongoing maintenance and support fees, hardware analysis, integration support, etc.?
What organizations have the company worked with that are like yours?
What level of training and support do they offer, and what is the process for requesting assistance or reporting issues? How long does the implementation process take and how fast does customer service respond to queries?
What security measures are in place to protect sensitive financial data, and what is the disaster recovery plan in case of data loss or system failure?
Are they financially stable? (This will tell you how successful they are in their industry as well as what the future looks like for them as a vendor. You don’t want a vendor that will close its doors 2 years down the road.)
Can you set up a demo or trial to get hands-on experience with the software?
How many years of data can they convert and what format do they need the conversion files in? What do we need to do to ensure a successful conversion?
Phew! That was a process, but it was worth it. You now have all the questions you need to make the right choice for your municipality. Remember, we’re always here to help and guide you through this necessary journey.

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